Filter Bag Polyester 50 Micron

Filter Bag Polyester 50 Micron PT PROFILTER INDONESIA Hubungi 081385066789 Pastikan produk yang anda dapatkan adalah asli dari PFI Watermaker dengan price harga dan kualitas terbaik

PFI’s PEB polyester filter bag top flange provides the best bag-to-housing seal in today’s marketplace. During operation, as the filter bag gets dirty causing differential pressure to increase, our flared PEB top flange seal improves providing optimum performance.


Filter Bag Polyester 50 Micron

Produk handal yang tahan terhadap temperatur tinggi dan bahan kimia, PFI adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Filter Bag Polyester 50 Micron terlengkap menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan spare part filter untuk keperluan industry dengan price harga terbaik.

Info lengkap produk filter bag

Description PFI Filter Bag Polyester

Industrial standard PFI Bag Filter polypropylene (PPB / PPSG) and polyester (PEB / PESG)  none-woven micron felt bag filters.

Single side glazed to prevent loose fiber migration. Graded pore depth filter media type.

No reinforcing insert.

Basic martrix configuration are designed upon more than 30 kinds of fiber. It is key different from those air filtration felt which made from about 3 – 5kinds fiber.

Spesifikasi Filter Bag

Material Bag Filter : Polyester

Micron Size : 50 micron

Ukuran Bag : size #2 ( 7″x32″ )

Ring : Plastic Ring / Sentinel


General Filtration felt filter bag feature 100% thermally bonded construction and non-fibre-release surface treatment. Top retainer flange and ring options ensure no-bypass sealing.

We stock a wide selection of micron ratings in industry standard sizes for immediate shipment.


Filter Bag PFI and Continental Features

High-quality polyester and polypropylene felt filter bag media

Silicone free felt media for paint and automotive applications

Felt media outer surface treatment to prevent loose fibres and downstream migration

Standard bag filter polypropylene and polyester felt from FDA compliant resins for use in food grade applications

Fully welded/thermally bonded seams on standard bags for bypass-free filtration

Retainer collar seal from chemically resistant FDA-compliant polypropylene resin for a four-point positive seal

Polyester retainer collar seal ring is durable for higher temperatures


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Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Phone : +6221 84937329 , 84937805 , 22962668

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