Cleal GF-03 Cartridge Filter

Cleal GF-03 Cartridge Filter PT PROFILTER INDONESIA fast response +62 812-9634-0505 Trust the filtration expert’s email : stock barang terlengkap harga terbaik


Cleal GF-03 Cartridge Filter

Kami adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Cleal GF-03 cartridge filter terlengkap menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan spare part filter untuk keperluan industri dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.


Structure Cleal GF Cartridge Filter

  • The cartridges are constructed with thermally bonded bicomponent fibers which are binder-free.
  • Material : Polyolefin



  • Stable filtration accuracy
  • High pressure resistance
  • High flow rate – Low pressure drop
  • No pore enlargement or unloading of filter elements
  • Excellent chemical resistance

Filters for Coating

There is no fiber migration in JNC cartridge filters since raw materials are thermally bonded in three dimensions. Moreover, since raw materials used to make filters can produce defects [craters, fish eyes, etc.], JNC filters do not shed thereby eliminating filter generated defects.

Filters for Drinking Water

There is no fiber migration in JNC cartridge filters since raw materials are thermally bonded in three dimensional fiber matrix. Moreover, the JNC filter process is not a chemical process with associated variability in production. As a result of the automated Chisso manufacturing processes, the filters are consistent and reproducible which translates to high quality filters.


Specifications Cartridge Filter

Nominal Rating (μm)13510255075100



Outside diameter 62 mm
Inside diameter 30 mm
Standard Length 250 mm, 500 mm, 750 mm, 1000 mm

*Please inquire concerning non-standard size. Jika ingin memesan produk yang tidak standard dari pabrikan silahkan berdiskusi dengan kami.

PT Profilter Indonesia selain memproduksi filtration sand dan carbon juga menyediakan berbagai spare part WTP diantaranya yaitu filter cartridge , housing filter bag, housing cartridge filter, reverse osmosis membrane serta ultraviolet water sterilizer.

Untuk permintaan penawaran Cleal GF-03 Cartridge Filter silahkan hubungi kami kantor kami

Alamat dan kontak


Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Phone : +6221 84937329 , 84937805 , 22962668

WhatsApp : +62 812-9634-0505

Email :



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